DAPP Network Grants Program

22 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10
22 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10

This campaign is over.

DAPP Network Grants Program
starts on:
Jan 21, 2020, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 30, 2020, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)


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➤ Create a solution that enables DAPP Network users to subscribe to Chainlink's data feeds and you could win up to 350,000 DAPP tokens!

➤ Create a solution that allows for a verifiable randomness functionality that can be used across the DAPP Network and you could win up to 300,000 DAPP tokens!

➤ Showcase LiquidOracles, LiquidAccounts, LiquidScheduler, or vRAM in your dApps and you could win up to 300,000 DAPP tokens!

➤ Use the DAPP Network to create a LiquidStorage-based distributed storage system and you could win up to 250,000 DAPP tokens!

We invite you all, teams and individuals alike, to take part in enhancing the usage of the DAPP Network! By competing for grants and bounties, the blockchain community has the opportunity to innovate by integrating DAPP Network services into their dApps.

What’s in it for you?

Bridge to Chainlink bounty: The first Qualified Submission* that enables DAPP Network users to subscribe to Chainlink's data feeds and meets the Minimum Requirements* will walk away with up to 350,000 DAPP tokens!

LiquidRandomness bounty: The first Qualified Submission* that allows for a verifiable randomness functionality that can be used across the DAPP Network and meets the Minimum Requirements* will walk away with up to 300,000 DAPP tokens!

Usage grants: The first Qualified Submission* of a running dApp that harnesses these DAPP Network services and meets the Minimum Requirements* will walk away with up to 300,000 DAPP tokens!

DAPP Drive bounty: The first Qualified Submission* of a running LiquidStorage-based distributed storage system that meets the Minimum Requirements* will walk away with up to 250,000 DAPP tokens!

We believe the entire community should have the chance to participate.

This online, global grants program allows teams from all around the world to compete. It is our hope that this grant will enable projects to continue iterating on their dApps for the long-term benefit of the entire DAPP Network.

Don’t forget to check out the Knowledge Base section, where you can find:

  • Source code
  • Use cases and examples
  • Webinars, tutorials, and walkthrough guides

Now is the time to join the many teams building scalable, flexible, immortal dApps on the DAPP Network.

The knowledge base offers valuable resources, our vibrant community can help you brainstorm, and the LiquidApps team is here for technical mentoring and any other questions you may have.

What are you waiting for? Start Building Today!

* Please note: The terms of a Qualified Submission and the Minimum Requirements can be found in the Rules section. Please read it thoroughly before participating in this Program.


The vRAM System Usage Grant

The vRAM System is a powerful service for dApps that enables the storage and retrieval of potentially unlimited amounts of data affordably and efficiently, without compromising on decentralization.

This system is already being used by a number of dApps including Moonlighting, a freelance platform running on EOS, where, according to CoinDesk, it has helped reduce onboarding costs from $2000 to $10 a day!

Harness the power of the vRAM system to improve your dApp, consume 3,500,000 QUOTA - and stand to win 75,000 DAPP tokens!

The LiquidOracles Usage Grant

LiquidOracles is a web oracles service that gives dApps access to trustless sources of external data.

Delivering information with a high degree of integrity around events occurring in the outside world is crucial to expanding the capabilities of dApps on the blockchain. However, blockchains are, by default, blind to the outside world (and even to other blockchains). LiquidOracles give dApps the gift of sight!

Connect your dApp to the World Wide Web using LiquidOracles, consume 1,000,000 QUOTA - and stand to win 75,000 DAPP tokens!

The LiquidAccounts Usage Grant

LiquidAccounts is a powerful account creation and key management service that allows developers to offer free accounts to their users. It removes roadblocks for developers and users alike, enabling dApp developers to onboard new users in a seamless fashion.

Onboard users to your dApps by utilizing LiquidAccounts, consume 1,000,000 QUOTA - and you stand to win 75,000 DAPP tokens!

The LiquidScheduler Usage Grant

LiquidScheduler is a cron-like scheduling service that enables simple, decentralized task automation.

Using LiquidScheduler, developers can finally automate key functions within their dApps without compromising on trustlessness and decentralization. With just a couple of lines of code, LiquidScheduler can transform almost any tedious task into an automated script that runs at regular intervals.

Include timed events and automation in your dApp using LiquidScheduler, consume 1,00,000 QUOTA - and stand to win 75,000 DAPP tokens!

The DAPP Drive Bounty

LiquidStorage provides a robust foundation for decentralized storage dApps that are simple, secure and scalable, and can allow other developers and users to enjoy end-to-end decentralization with just a few clicks.

Decentralized file storage systems provide an alternative to trusting centralized data silos with your private information. With LiquidStorage as the foundation, you can now build an accessible decentralized storage solution that makes this powerful functionality available to seasoned developers and mainstream consumers alike.

Use the DAPP Network to Create a LiquidStorage-based Distributed Storage System - and stand to win 150,000 DAPP tokens!

But there’s more! The winning team will stand to win up to a 100,000 DAPP tokens bonus if their dApp includes multi-party or group encryption capability in the submission.

DAPP Network’s Bridge to Chainlink Bounty

LiquidOracles is a web oracles service that provides dApps with access to trustless sources of external data.

Chainlink offers a wealth of data sources for developers to choose from, including cryptocurrency price feeds from Binance, CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, air traffic surveillance data from OpenSky Network and the Google BigQuery data warehouse.

Create a solution that enables a subscription to Chainlink's data feeds using LiquidOracles, allowing DAPP Network users to utilize them from any DAPP Network enabled blockchain, and you could win up to 150,000 DAPP tokens!

But there’s more. Including a DAPP-based compensation of costs mechanism for dApps, and transforming the ‘Bridge to Chainlink’ solution into a running dApp can award the winning team with up to 200,000 DAPP tokens bonus!

DAPP Network's LiquidRandomness Bounty

The need for tamper-proof sources of randomness is a certainty for blockchain. Whether it is in order to encrypt sensitive data, run computer simulations such as the Monte Carlo method or even play games on-chain, random number generators (RNGs) form an essential component for all kinds of dApps.

Create a solution that allows for a verifiable randomness functionality which can be used across the DAPP Network, by utilizing LiquidHarmony's extensive oracle logic together with multiple DSP, and stand to win 150,000 DAPP tokens!

But there’s more. By meeting the bounty criteria while only using a single DSP, preventing collusion, or introducing a collateral mechanism, the winning submission will stand to win up to 150,000 DAPP tokens in bonuses!


Main Prizes
DAPP Network’s Bridge to Chainlink Bounty Prize

150,000 DAPP tokens + up to 200,000 DAPP tokens for DAPP-based compensation of costs mechanism and running dApp bonus

DAPP Network’s LiquidRandomness Bounty Prize

150,000 DAPP tokens + up to 150,000 DAPP tokens for using a single DSP, preventing collusion, or introducing a collateral mechanism bonuses

The vRAM System Usage Grant Prize

75,000 DAPP tokens


Help & Support

Please contact event admin
Koby Ben-Aroya at koby@liquidapps.io
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