DAPP Network Grants Program

22 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10
22 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10

This campaign is over.

DAPP Network Grants Program
starts on:
Jan 21, 2020, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 30, 2020, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)

The DAPP Network

The DAPP Network, created by LiquidApps and enhanced by its community members, sits on top of base-layer protocols and is the first universal middleware that is used across multiple blockchains. Services from the DAPP Network suite can be seamlessly integrated to enable immortal decentralized applications (dApps) – dApps can customize their “level of decentralization” up to end-to-end decentralized, making them potentially unhackable.

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The Dawn of the Immortal DAPP Network

The DAPP Network Overview

dApps Join the DAPP Network to Make Powerful, Scalable, User Friendly Blockchain Apps

LiquidLink: True, Trustless Blockchain Interoperability on the DAPP Network

The LiquidApps Game-Changer

Unlimited DSP Possibilities

LiquidLink EOS <> ETH Demonstration

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Data Communication Bridges Between Blockchains and Across Shards for Creating Elastic Applications

Israel's Survival Mindset – LiquidApps CEO Beni Hakak on EOS, Scalability, and DApps

DAPP Talk: Universal LiquidAccounts, Cross-Chain vRam, and LiquidChains w/ Nathan Rempel

LiquidDocker for Migrating Conventional Software to Blockchain Environments

Token Peg Across Any EOSIO Chain, Three Approaches to IBC, vRam Improvements, and dfuse Integrations

Scaling Ethereum With EOSIO and a Technical Deep Dive Into eosio.evm

DAPP Talk: Sharding with LiquidChains, LiquidLink, and Real Time Gross Settlement for DeFi

DAPP Talk: Oracle Price Feed Updates and Demonstration of LiquidPortfolio

Scaling with Child-Chains, Real-Time Gross Settlement, Worker Proposal System, and Ending Maximalism

Zeus SDK: A Truffle-like Framework for Templating, Testing and Deploying EOSIO Contracts

Universal Decentralized Software Framework" – LiquidStorage, LiquidHarmony, LiquidSQL

vCPU, Parallel Computation, DAPP Hackathon, LiquidX, AI and more with LiquidApps CTO - Tal Muskal

Developer Spotlight: Tal Muskal - LiquidApps CTO

Enabling Mass Adoption with Scalable, Multi-Chain Solutions

Beni Hakak Discusses LiquidApps with Ivan on Tech

Liquidapps Updates! - Hackathon, Dapp Network, Liquid X, VCPU, VRAM & More With Beni Hakak!

Liquidapps - Blockchain Scaling Solutions With Beni Hakak (CEO)

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LiquidApps is a technology company focused on optimizing decentralized development. We have empowered developers and companies with a suite of powerful services running on the first of LiquidApps’ projects, the DAPP Network, which allows teams to accelerate their development milestones and deliver working products that solve real user problems.

LiquidApps vision is to enable every application and service that should be decentralized to become decentralized. We provide developers, companies, and organizations with the critical infrastructure and suite of tools to build scalable decentralized applications on one easy to access universal middleware: the DAPP Network.

In a recent example, the company released a real-world Chess dApp that harnesses numerous LiquidApps services, including a service providing decentralized processing power that is exponentially quicker, cheaper and horizontally scalable, unlike current base-layer blockchains capabilities. LiquidApps’ service infrastructure could enable decentralized data storage, including rich media files and large-scale databases.

Some of the most popular dApps, from social media to peer-to-peer messaging to AI, have integrated LiquidApps technologies to help scale their capabilities and grow their user base like never before. Moonlighting, a freelancer platform with 750,000 users, recently harnessed LiquidApps’ alternative and affordable memory solution to onboard their user base onto the EOS blockchain at 0.5% of the cost relative to the traditional EOS costs model. According to CoinDesk, by using LiquidApps’ affordable memory solution, Moonlighting was able to reduce their costs from $2000 to $10 a day, without compromising on decentralization. This represents one of the first instances of a large-scale business successfully decentralizing its components of their application, setting the stage for other enterprises to join and utilize the DAPP Network.

LiquidApps released a powerful suite of services comprising the first (and only) blockchain middleware solution, connecting between the application layer and the blockchain layer, and is designed to be used across multiple blockchains. LiquidApps’ products and services are offered by more than 20 service providers (DSPs) distributed globally.

The services that are offered on the DAPP Network include, among others:

  • LiquidChains - Blockchain as a service (BAAS) for public, private and corporates chains
  • LiquidLink - the first two-way cross-blockchain communication network
  • LiquidOracles - decentralized and trustless web oracles
  • LiquidAccounts - seamless and free end-user onboarding
  • vRAM - unrestricted decentralized and affordable on-chain memory
  • vCPU - access to cheap, powerful computation
  • LiquidStorage - an incentivized decentralized storage network
  • LiquidHarmony - a transformative upgrade to LiquidOracles that enables an assortment of easy, powerful plugins: vCPU computation, LiquidSQL decentralized relational databases, LiquidLink oracles and multisig for complete interoperability, web oracles, random numbers, and more
  • LiquidScheduler - task scheduler and automated task services
  • LiquidDNS - designed to prevent DNS hijacking
  • DAPP Leasing - enables dApps to access DAPP Network services on a pay-as-you-go basis
  • LiquidEscrow - an escrow service for scalable smart contract resolution
  • LiquidCrypto - advanced cryptographic primitives as a service
  • DAPP Accounts - easy-to-use, non-custodial blockchain accounts

LiquidApps also created the Zeus SDK, a dedicated blockchain software development kit that features a Truffle-like interface and other DAPP Network services available for integration, and Zeus IDE, its matching integrated development environment.

LiquidApps also released LiquidX, a powerful new functionality of the DAPP Network which allows DSPs to offer services on any EOSIO chain.

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